Record Meetings

  • Updated

No worries if someone can't make the meeting. Record the conversation and download the recording to share out later, helping everyone stay on the same page! 

Meeting Recording is only available in Remote Office Spaces with an active Monthly Subscription. Meeting Recording is not available on our free plan, Office Free Trial, or Conference Spaces. Read our Pricing Overview here. 

Ready to upgrade? Follow this guide to start your subscription.



When you record a meeting in Gather, a "Recording Bot" will join you in the space to record your meeting. (Look for the camera on a tripod!)

Recordings include audio and video from the perspective of what this bot sees in Meeting View.

For example, if someone shares their screen, it will be included in the recording from the perspective of a participant in the meeting (not the person sharing their screen).

This also means that you're free to hold the meeting in whatever view you want. The Recording Bot will capture it in Meeting View regardless of your own view.


  • You must be in a Private Area or at a claimed desk to record a meeting.
  • You must be a Member of the space. (Guests cannot record meetings at this time.)
  • Each recording can only be up to 3 hours long.

How to Record a Meeting & Download the Recording

Download Recordings.png

  1. Click the Recording button on the bottom navigation bar and select Start Recording. All people present will be notified with a consent pop-up.
  2. As the person who started the recording, you will see an Initiating progress bar. 
  3. While recording is in progress, those in the meeting will see a camera bot appear in desk space or private area, as well as an indicator over the screen and avatar of the user doing the recording. 
  4. You can stop the recording at any time by clicking the Recording button again.
  5. When the recording is ready to download, you'll receive a notification.  
  6. You can access all of your available recordings by clicking the toggle next to the Recording button.

You can only download recordings that you have initiated yourself. You cannot download recordings initiated by a different member.

Recordings are available to download for 5 days. After that, they will no longer be accessible. 

Enable or Disable Recording for Members

Space Admins can turn Meeting Recording on/off for Members of the space. If disabled, only Admins will be able to record meetings. 

To enable or disable Meeting Recording, go to Settings -> Space > Space Preferences. Click the toggle next to Enable Meeting Recording for Members

Recording Settings.png

Guests cannot initiate Meeting Recordings at this time. 

Recording Limits

The number of hours you can record in a month is limited based on your paid space capacity. You are allowed 2 hours per user per month, and the total number of recording hours is shared by all members.

For example, if you are paying for 40 users per month, you have 80 recording hours to use per month (40 x 2 = 80).

Here are a few other things to keep in mind about your recording limits: 

  • Recording hours replenish monthly based on your subscription start date.
  • Recording hours do not roll over every month.
  • Increasing your space capacity will immediately increase your recording hours. For example, if you add 10 users in the middle of the month, you'll get 20 more recording hours for the rest of the month.
  • Decreasing your capacity doesn't change your available recording hours until the next billing cycle.
  • Admins will be emailed when they hit 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% of their space's recording limit for the month.


If you are unable to record a meeting, follow these steps first: 

  1. Make sure you're in an Office Space with an Active Monthly Subscription or Reservation. Meeting Recording is not available on our free plan, Office Free Trial, or Conference Spaces. 
  2. Make sure you're a Member of the space; Guests are not able to initiate recordings. 
  3. Make sure you're in a Private Area or personal desk area. 
  4. Check if an Admin has disabled Recording in your space. 
  5. Check if your space has reached your recording limit. See this section above. 

If you're still running into issues, you can contact our support team here

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