Set Desktop Browser and System Permissions


Gather must request permission to use your mic and camera, and to record screens for screen sharing. This guide will explain how to check your browser settings and system settings to make sure you have a smooth experience in Gather. 

The best way to use Gather is with our Desktop App. If you're using a desktop browser, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome. Learn more about our Browser Support Policy here

Chrome Settings

Google Chrome is currently rolling out the option to Allow this Time in addition to Allow and Block when asking for browser permissions. For the best experience with Gather, we recommend choosing Allow so Gather can access your camera and microphone each time you enter your space. Click here to learn more about the Chrome update

When you first enter Gather in Chrome (or if you've cleared your Chrome history), you will see a pop-up asking for camera and microphone access permissions. Select Allow in order to provide the best experience in Gather.

A view of the camera and mic permission request in Chrome when entering a Gather Space. The browser pop-up requesting permissions is outlined in red.

If you block Gather from accessing your camera or microphone in Chrome, you will see a camera icon in the upper right of your site address bar with a red "x" to indicate that you have denied the site access. You can select this icon to change your preferences.

A red arrow points to the camera icon in the right of the URL bar. The camera icon has a red x over it. Clicking the red x opens a pop-up that displays current site settings for camera and microphone.

Select the option to allow Gather access to your camera. You may need to select the mic icon on your video preview to change permissions for the mic. Refresh the page for the changes to go into effect.

You can view or change your permissions at any time by selecting the lock icon to the left of the URL. Toggle the Camera and Microphone on. If you do not see Camera and Microphone, select Site settings.

A red arrow points to a lock icon to the right of. the site URL in the browser. The lock icon is circled in red and the site permissions pop-up displays.

If you select Site settings, Chrome's Settings open to the Security and Privacy tab. The base Gather URL should appear at the top of the page ( Set the Microphone and Camera to Allow.

The Camera and Microphone options are set to Allow and outlined in red under Permission in Chrome's settings.

Firefox Settings

When you first enter Gather in Firefox (or if you've cleared your Firefox history), you will see a pop-up asking for camera and microphone access permissions. Select Allow to provide the best experience in Gather.

A view of the mic permission request in Firefox when entering a Gather Space. The screen is of the page where you select your name and avatar.

If you block Gather from accessing your camera or microphone in Firefox, you will see camera and mic icons with slashes through them in the URL bar to indicate that you have denied the site access. You can select these to change your preferences.

A view of the Firefox site permission settings pop-up. A red arrow points to "Blocked temporarily" with an x. Hover text for the "x" shows "Clear this permission and ask again."

Safari Settings

Safari will prompt you for camera and microphone permissions when you first log into a space

A view of the Safari message "Allow '' to use your camera?" With three options: Allow, Never for This Website, and Don't Allow.

Select Allow to permit Gather to use your microphone and to use your camera.

  • If you select Don't Allow and want to change the setting, refresh the page and try again.
  • If you select Never for This Website, you can change the setting in your Safari Preferences. 

In the Safari menu, select Preferences, and select the Websites tab. Scroll down to Camera and Microphone. Find on the list of websites to the right, then set the drop down menu to Allow (or Ask, if you wish to be prompted every time).

A view of the Safari preferences modal with the Camera selection active. A red outline is drawn around Websites in the Top Nav of the modal, around Camera and Microphone in the left nav of the mobile, and around the Allow drop-down next to

Mac Settings

Open System Preferences and select Privacy & Security.

Check both Camera and Microphone to see if the Gather Desktop App or your browser has been granted permission. Make sure the padlock is unlocked to make your changes. 

Mac Mic & Camera Settings.png

If you want to screen share in Gather, in Privacy & Security, scroll to Screen & System Audio Recording.

Mac System Settings.png

This will show the list of applications available to record your screen. Again, make sure the Gather Desktop App or your browser has been granted permission to record. 

Mac Screen Record Settings.png

For more assistance, please refer to these instructions from Apple for setting permissions on an Apple Mac. 

Windows Settings

Go to Start > Settings > Privacy. In the App Permissions column on the left, click Camera or Microphone. The steps will be the same for both. 

First, make sure you allow access to the camera/microphone on your device.


Next, scroll down to Allow desktop apps to access your camera/microphone. Make sure this is toggled On and that you can see either the Gather Desktop App or the browser you're using to access Gather. 


For more assistance, please refer to these instructions from Microsoft for setting permissions on a Windows PC. 

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