Shut Down or Delete Your Space

  • Updated

If you no longer want a space on Gather to be active, you can temporarily shut it down or permanently delete it. 

In order to shut down or delete a space, you must be an Admin.

Shut Down a Space

This option allows you to temporarily remove everyone from a space and prevent them from entering until it is re-opened. 

To shut down a space: 

  1. Open the Main Menu (with the Gather logo) in the bottom navigation bar and click Settings
  2. Go to Space > Advanced > Space Dashboard
  3. From the Space Dashboard, select Shut Down or Delete
  4. Select Shut Down

Once a space is shut down, anyone who tries to enter it will see a notice that it is closed. Owners can re-open it by clicking the Open space button.


Delete a Space

This option allows you to permanently delete a space, including any uploaded assets. 

In order to delete a space, you must first cancel any ongoing subscriptions, upcoming reservations, or open invoices. 

Once a Space is deleted, there is no way to retrieve it. Please proceed with caution!

To delete a space: 

  1. Open the Main Menu (with the Gather logo) in the bottom navigation bar and click Settings
  2. Go to Space > Advanced > Space Dashboard
  3. From the Space Dashboard, select Shut Down or Delete
  4. Select Delete Space
  5. Review the warning and click Delete this space
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