Host a Movie Night

  • Updated

If you and your friends love screening shows or movies together, you can do that in Gather! Whether you design a cozy home theater or just share your screen, just pick your flick and you're ready to go!

A view of the movie night template. An entry way leads to a large room with couches, chairs, a coffee table, and floor cushions grouped in front of a glowing large screen tv. The room has two entrances to another room that has two tables with four chairs at each. An info kiosk displays in the top right corner of the room. A Gather YouTube video is being shared at the top of the window.Pull up a cushion and watch a show or movie together in Gather!


  • Setup: Currently, we do not have this particular movie template available as a Space or Room. However, it's easy to set up something similar! To invite players, just send them the Space URL!
  • Participation Difficulty: 🟢 🟢 (super easy)
  • Participants: 2-25 (Up to 25 people can be in the Space for free)
  • Emcee: Not needed 
  • Average Time: Up to you!

Ready, Set, Watch!

The easiest way to watch something together once you're in the same Space is for one person to share their screen in Chrome. That person should select Screen share in the toolbar. In the Choose what to share window, select Chrome Tab. Then select the tab that has the video you wish to share. Make sure Share tab audio is selected. Select Share.

A screenshot of the screen sharing modal in Chrome. The Chrome Tab tab is outlined in red, as is the 2021 Gather Sizzle Reel - YouTube tab. At the bottom of the modal, Share tab audio is also outlined in red.You can share video best in Chrome. Select Screen share in the toolbar, then select Chrome tab, and pick the tab with the video you want to share. Make sure Share tab audio is selected! In the Chrome tab with the video, set the video to full screen and play—it's that easy!

Tip: To improve the quality of the video for those watching, toggle on Optimize for video. This essentially changes the screen share to HD, but it might cause performance issues for the person sharing and/or the people watching.

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