Applause Extension

  • Updated

There's nothing quite like a round of applause to really boost a speaker's morale. Now you can show your appreciation with our Applause Extension!

Any time a bunch of people start dancing (press "z" on the keyboard), shoot confetti (press "f" on the keyboard [currently not available in all Spaces]), or send emotes (1-6 on the keyboard), applause is triggered. The applause grows louder the more people dance, shoot confetti, or emote! 

Enable Applause

First, you need to enable the extension in the Mapmaker. Open the Mapmaker. Select the hamburger menu, then choose Extension Settings

A view of the Mapmaker with the hamburger menu open. Extension Settings is the last option in the menu.

The Extensions window opens. A list of available extensions displays (a checkmark displays next to each extension that has been activated). Select Applause. Then choose Activate Extension, then Apply changes

The Extensions window is open, and a red box is drawn around Applause in the left menu, with an arrow pointing to the Activate Extension button.

Close the Extensions window and return to your Space.

Disable Applause

To disable Applause, open the Mapmaker and navigate to the Applause Extension. 

Click Disable Extension and then Apply Changes

If you only want to disable Applause in a specific Room, enter the Room name in the Disabled rooms field in the Extensions Settings panel. Separate Room names with a comma.

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