Copying the Spawn Location Link

  • Updated

Once you've added custom Spawn tiles, you can grab the link to the custom location you've made. 

Note: At this time, you can only access the custom Spawn location link through the Calendar feature. If you do not see the Create new event button, you need to add a Space-wide calendar from Space Settings > Space Preferences. Read more on calendar integration.

From your Space (not the Mapmaker), select Calendar in the toolbar. The Schedule (may be labeled Events) pane opens. 

A view of the Space displays. The screenshot Is a hallway in the large conference template. The Calendar icon in the Left Nav Menu is outlined in red, and the Events panel is expanded. At the bottom of the Events panel, the Create new event button is outlined in red. To the right of the panel, the Create new calendar event pop-up displays. The. Select location drop-down field is outlined in red. To find your custom Spawn location link, from your Space, click Calendar in the Left Nav Menu. In the Events panel, click Create new event

Select Create new event. In the Create new calendar event modal, click the Select location drop-down. The name you entered for the Spawn Tile ID (e.g., "keynote") displays, with the room name in parentheses. 

Note: If you do not see the Create new event button, you need to add a Space-wide calendar in Space Settings

A view of the Space displays. The screenshot Is a hallway in the large conference template. The Events panel is expanded, and the Create new calendar event pop-up displays to the right of the Events panel. The. Select location drop-down field is outlined in red, and the field has “Keynote (in Conference deluxe” selected and outlined in red. In the Create new calendar event pop-up, select your custom Spawn location in the location drop-down. 

Click Create in Google Calendar to open your Google Calendar and add event details like date and time. The Location field for the event is populated in Google with the link for your custom Spawn location. 

Note: If you just want to grab the link for the custom Spawn location, select Copy location link. You can then share the link however you wish.

When the scheduled event takes place, participants in your Space can open the calendar to see the event and easily navigate to the meeting location by selecting Locate, to follow a dynamic line to the meeting spot, or Teleport, to directly spawn in the meeting spot.  

The Schedule pane is open and shows Keynote Speech from 3:00-4:00 pm in the Keynote area. The session modal is open with Locate and Teleport buttons. Events in Gather that use a custom Spawn location provide options to easily visit the Custom Spawn location. 

Note: Read our article on iCal integration for info on connecting your calendar to Gather.

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