Report a Bug

  • Updated

To report a bug in Gather, open the main menu, then select Report issues

A view of the fancy office template with the home menu expanded. Report an issue is outlined in red in the home menu.To report a bug, open the main menu icon and select Report Issues.

The Report an Issue window opens. In the Reason drop-down, select the type of issue. If you'd like a response, provide your name and email address (optional). In the Message, describe the issue. Please include:

  • What you were trying to do
  • What happened in the app
  • Any troubleshooting steps you tried
  • What browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) you are using

If you leave "Send error report with video and screen data" selected, we will have more information about what's going on with your machine, which helps us track down your issue. Select Send Message to submit the bug report. 

A view of the fancy office template with the Report an issue window open. There is a Reason drop-down menu, a field for your name, your email auto-populated, and a text field for your message. By default, "Send error report with video and screen data" is checked.In the Report an Issue window, please select the reason you're reporting an issue, enter contact info if desired, and describe what the issue is. Select Submit to send the bug report. 

Note: If you would like to send a more detailed bug report, including screenshots or console log files, please visit The section below describes how to save a console log.

View and Save Console Log

Sometimes, Gather may not be able to load content into your browser. To help us troubleshoot this issue, the Gather Support Team may ask you to send in a console log of the webpage where the issue is happening.

Create a Console Log

To open the developer console window on Chrome, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+J on Windows or cmd+option+J on Mac. To open the developer console window on Firefox, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+K on Windows or cmd+option+K on Mac.

A pane will open in the browser with the Console tab active. Right click anywhere in the Console pane. Select Save as to produce a .log file, which is the same console information in text form. (No personal information is included with these.)

A Gather Space with the browser console log open. Several warnings and one error display in the log, and the right click menu is open and outlined in red. A text bubble reads "Right click and select Save as," which points to the right click menu. Open the Console log, then right click anywhere in the Console panel and select Save as... 

Save the error log, then attach it in your email or in the feedback form when replying to the Gather Support Team.

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