Pin Messages & Make Announcements on Info Boards

  • Updated

Spaces created for events have an Info Board feature, which allows you to post pinned messages in your Space, as well as make live announcements to everyone in the Space! Admins and Mods can manage the posts and announcements that appear on the Info Board. Guests in your Space can select Info Board in the toolbar to see all pinned messages and recent announcements. This article covers the following:

Note: The Info Board is a feature unique to Spaces designed for events. If you are in a remote work Space, you do not have this feature. You can still use the Pinned moderator message to leave a persistent message in your Space from Settings > Space > Space Preferences.

Add a Pinned Message

To add a new pinned message, select Info Board in the toolbar. In the Pinned Messages tab, select New post

A screenshot of the medium game room template with the Information Board modal open. The Information Board icon, which is a push pin, is outlined in red in the Left Nav Menu. The modal shows "No messages. Hosts may post important information to this board regarding the space." Manage and New post buttons display.You can pin messages to your Space by selecting Info board in the toolbar. In the Pinned Messages tab, select New post to create a pinned message.

Note: You must be an Admin or Mod to add or manage pinned messages and announcements on the Info Board.

The Post message modal displays. Enter your text in the Message field and select Post.

A screenshot of the medium game room template with the Post message modal open. The modal text reads "Posting will automatically display the message in the information board." A Message field displays with placeholder text that reads "Have a question? Visit the Help Desk in the lobby". A Cancel and Post button display below the Message field.Enter your text in the Message field and select Post to add a pinned message.

Tip: You can apply basic markdown in the Message field to format your text.


Format Message

You can apply many basic Markdown elements in the Message field. For example:

Element Markdown Syntax
Bold **bold text**
Italics *italics*
Hard return (start new line) Hit Enter twice
Bulleted list Hyphen + space
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Linked website [link text](
Linked email address [link text](

A screenshot of the medium game room template with the Post message modal open. The Message field displays text with markdown applied, including bold as indicated by two asterisks on either side of the phrase and a hyperlink added to linked text using square brackets for the link text and the URL in parentheses. You can apply Markdown to format your text in the Message field.

Manage Messages

To add, edit, or remove messages, select Info Board in the toolbar, then select Manage.

The Information Board window is open to the Pinned Messages tab, which reads "Welcome to Riley's Game Room! Thanks for stopping by! If you have questions, check out the help center" with help center as a hyperlink. To add, edit, or remove messages, select Information Board in the Left Nav Menu, then select Manage.

The Manage Pinned Messages modal displays. To edit or delete a message, hover to the right of the message text and select the Edit or Delete icon. If you have multiple messages, you can select the Reorder icon and drag up or down to reorder.

A view of the Manage Pinned Messages window with a red outline around the edit and delete icons. An icon of two lines to the left of the message allows you to reorder the message when there are more than one. To edit or delete a message, hover to the right of the message text and select the Edit or Delete icon. To rearrange the order of multiple messages, select the Reorder icon and drag up or down.

Admins can also create new pinned messages or edit existing pinned messages in the Information Board section of the Space dashboard.

A view of the Space dashboard with the Information Board section outlined in red and active. You can select the New post button and edit or reorder existing messages. Admins can also create and managed pinned messages in the Information Board section of the Space dashboard.

Make an Announcement

To make an announcement that will immediately display to everyone in the Space, select Info Board in the toolbar. In the Announcements tab, select Make announcement

The Information Board window with the Announcements tab active. A message reads "No new announcements. Announcements are real time notifications sent to attendees in the Space." A Make announcement button displays below.You can make live announcements to your Space by selecting Information Board in the Left Nav Menu. In the Announcements tab, select Make announcement.

The Post message modal displays. Enter your text in the Message field and select Post. (Remember, you can apply basic Markdown to style it.)

The Make an announcement modal with text in the Message field reading "Draw Battle game starting int 10 minutes! (1:30 pm CST)." Cancel and Post buttons display below.Enter your text in the Message field and select Post to make an announcement.

View Announcements

The announcement immediately displays above the Info Board icon in the toolbar. Everyone in the Space, no matter what Room they're in, sees the message (up to 24 hours after the message is posted).

A view of a live announcement, which reads "Draw Battle game starting in 10 minutes! (1:30 pm CST)."Live announcements display above Info Board in the toolbar.

Anyone in the Space can select the Info Board icon to view previous announcements. A red counter will display the number of announcements you've missed. 

Warning: Announcements currently cannot be edited or deleted. Announcements display for 10 seconds when first made, and disappear from the Info Board after 24 hours.

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