Spawn Tiles

  • Updated

Spawn Tiles are used to designate where people appear in your space. Most often, Spawn Tiles are added directly near the entrance door to simulate entering a physical room. 

You must be an Admin or Mapmaker in order to place Spawn Tiles using the Mapmaker tool. 


There are two types of Spawn tiles: Default and Custom. 

  • Default Spawn Tiles are locations where new participants will arrive when accessing the general link to your Space for the first time.
  • Custom Spawn Tiles are locations with unique URLs that teleport the participant directly to a designated spot in a Room. 

Add Default Spawn Tiles

In the Mapmaker, select Tile Effects in the Top Nav Menu. In the Tile Effects panel, select Spawn. All Spawn tiles are highlighted in green. If it is not already active, select Stamp in the Left Navigation Menu.

A view of the entrance area to large conference in the Mapmaker. Tile Effects is outlined in red in the Top Nav Menu, and the Stamp tool is outlined in red in the Left Nav Menu. In the Tile Effects panel on the right, the Spawn option is outlined in red. There are green Spawn tiles at the bottom of the map, spaced out every other tile. The Spawn tiles are not labeled, which means they are default Spawn tiles.

Because you are creating default Spawn tiles, leave the Spawn Tile ID field blank.

Click the tile on the map where you'd like people to appear when they first enter your Space. If you expect multiple people to join at the same time, we recommend adding multiple Spawn Tiles. (See more Best Practices below).

Select Save in the Top Nav Menu.

Note: When someone leaves and rejoins while signed in, they will respawn in the location they were when they left the Space.

Add Custom Spawn Tiles

In the Mapmaker, select Tile Effects in the Top Nav Menu. In the Tile Effects panel, select Spawn and enter a name for your custom Spawn Tile ID. (This name must be 16 or fewer characters.) 

Click on any tile on the map where you'd like guests to appear when they click the custom link to enter this Space. Select Save in the Top Nav Menu.

A keynote room in the large conference template. Tile Effects is outlined in red in the Top Nav Menu, and the Stamp tool is outlined in red in the Left Nav Menu. In the Tile Effects panel on the right, the Spawn Tile ID field is outlined in red with a red arrow pointing to four custom spawn tiles in front of the Room's door.

Spawn Tile Best Practices

  • Don't put a Spawn tile on an Impassable tile. 
  • Unless you're opting for humor or a specific scenario, place your Spawn tiles in open areas, rather than spawning your guests into a tree or in the middle of a pond. 
  • For large events, we recommend creating multiple Spawn tiles within your entrance area. You should estimate how many people will arrive at once (say, within a 5-minute window) and create that many tiles.  
    • Think of it as opening the doors for an event. If the concert starts at 8 pm and you expect 500 people, you don't want to open one door at 7:50 pm to let them in. Instead, you want to provide multiple entrance points and some extra time to enter the space.
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