Gather Quick Start Guide for Candidates

  • Updated

Welcome to our virtual office on Gather! 

We’re so excited to welcome you to our virtual HQ for an interview. This is a quick how-to guide to familiarize yourself with the platform for a seamless visit. Feel free to arrive in our office a few minutes before your interview time so you can get set up and look around! 

1. Enter the lobby 

Click the link in the calendar event for your interview. Before you actually enter our office, you’ll customize your avatar, the digital character that represents you. 

You can also adjust your audio and video settings before joining the office. You may need to enable browser and/or computer permissions. This doc can help.  

2. Notify your interviewer

When you’re ready to come in, search for your interviewer's name and select Notify Member. Once they grant you access, you’ll enter our office!

We’ll come greet you to give you a tour and start the interview. If we’re running more than 5 minutes late, feel free to send us a message in Gather. 

Click the Participants icon in the bottom, search for the person you’re meeting with, and click Send message. 

3. Moving around

There are two ways to move around in Gather:

  1. By double clicking where you want to walk 

  2. By using keyboard keys (either the arrow keys or WASD) 

To automatically follow your interviewer through the office, click their avatar and choose Follow. They may also ask to lead you around, in which case you’ll see a prompt on the screen and you can just click Accept. 

4. Leaving the office

Once your interview is done, all you need to do is close your browser tab to leave the office. You can also use the button in the bottom right to Leave Space, which will take you back to the Gather App Homepage. 

We can’t wait to host you in our virtual HQ on Gather! If you have any questions, feel free to contact your recruiter. 

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